theme - September 1,1939 - W. H. Auden for hsc
September 1,1939 - W. H. Auden
The theme of the poem is the decline(পতন) of the humanity, the feeling of uncertainty(অনিশ্চয়তা) and fear(ভয়) for future. This poem is a historical moment in time as it marks the beginning of the Second World War. The speaker is sitting in a dive bar (pub) in New York City. He feels threatened(হুমকি) as he sees the approaching(সমীপবর্তী) another war. Many so called policies(নীতি) adopted(গৃহীত) by policy makers throughout(সর্বত্র) the last 10 years could not improve(উন্নত) the lot of working class except making it worse. Now this failure is bringing distress(দুর্দশা ) in people’s personal life. The speaker can smell(গন্ধ) the unmentionable(উল্লেখের অযোগ্য) odour(নামগন্ধ) of death upsetting(মন খারাপ) the month of September. He can foresee(আগে থেকেই দেখা ও জানা) this war will take away innumerable(অসংখ্য) lives.
Fifty words er moddhe houa uchit cilo...
উত্তরমুছুনNow it's useless
Better for a summary but useless as a theme
উত্তরমুছুনI think we can make it short....
উত্তরমুছুন"The theme of the poem......... Beginning of the second world war." and then "the speaker can smell the unmentionable....take away innumerale lives"
Thats it?
মুছুনএই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
উত্তরমুছুনএই লেখাটি অনেক বড় হয়েছে।যেটা কোনভাবেই সারমর্ম হয়না।
উত্তরমুছুনWhy will you all memorize this head to toe? He has given you the theme. Now it's your responsibility to make it short. He has given it as a Summary, now you make it as a theme & write in the exam hall.